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Une mémoire à tores énorme! 

Control Data (1960)

A very huge magnetic Core Memory


Voici une énorme mémoire à tores de ferrite. Elle est probablement très rare!
Dimensions approximatives: 100 cm x 50 cm

Les tores sont disposés environ tous les mm. Compte tenu de sa taille elle doit comporter environ 500 kbits!  Soit 64 k octets. (estimation) ou moins si les tores (de 1 mm) sont distants de quelques mm (16  K octets, si le pas est de 2 mm)

poids: inconnu.

[trop chère pour moi, et il fallait aller la chercher en Hollande!]

Si vous avez d'autres informations concernant cette mémoire, n'hésitez pas à me contacter!

143.51 KB


Here is a very huge ferrite core memory. I think this one is very rare to find.
Approximate size: 40 inches x 20 inches !

The man said to me, that there are about 25 cores per  inch. So the board must have about 1000 x 500 cores. 500 kbits, or 64 Kbytes! ... Or less if the pitch is higher. 16 Kbytes for a pitch of 2 mm.

[Too expensive for me! And it was necessary to go to Holland to take it!]

If you have any further information on this memory, do not hesitate to contact me!

Fr La photo est de 'Erik Brens'. Avec son aimable autorisation.

US The picture is from 'Erik Brens'. With his kind permission.

eMail 2008-09-16:

It's from a CDC (Control Data Corp.) mainframe from the 1960s.  Very
rare, especially in this condition.  I'm not going to count the bits, there's just too many :-)  This core memory used to be one of my personal favorite items in the collection.  The individual cores are about 1mm in diameter.

Can you authorize me to use your pictures and descriptions? (this one and other from old/future eBay)

Sure, no problem.

Copyrights JM Pichot
Edition originale

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